The Bordeaux Animation Workshop (BAW) announces the launch of the call for projects for its International Animation Residency for 6 animation projects for 2 months in Bordeaux. This residency is dedicated to the writing and design development of innovative and original animation projects, all formats combined without distinction of technical.
The BAW Residency takes place in Bordeaux, in conjunction with different local cultural actors, allowing residents to interact with the Bordeaux public but also to extend their network towards other talents. Each participant will benefit from supported accommodation as well as a grant of 1,000 euros at the end of the Residency.
During this residency of two months of actual work, divided into four modules of 2-3 weeks each, the artist of the six selected projects will have the opportunity to work in a workshop accompanied by recognized professionals from the animation sector: concept, scenario, graphic development and pitch.
The call for projects is open until August 18, 2024, it is international and for all projects without producers that need support. A jury of professionals will select a panel of promising projects.