Animation UK serves as the unified voice of the animation sector, representing an alliance of companies, studios, producers, and distributors. Its mission is to carve a flourishing path for the UK animation industry, celebrating its impressive history of commercial triumphs and creative mastery.
As advocates of the UK animation industry, Animation UK champions efforts to optimize the animation business environment through the implementation of tax reliefs, targeted funding, strategic investments, and regulatory adjustments. These initiatives create opportunities for UK animation companies to export their extraordinary content and ideas, allowing them to shine in both domestic and international marketplaces. Most recently, it was successful in securing an uplift for the UK Tax Relief to 39% of qualifying expenditure for eligible animation and children’s TV programmes, with no limit on the tax relief that can be claimed. This will be effective from 2024.
As member of Animation in Europe, Animation UK is committed to fostering new partnerships and strengthening existing ties with European counterparts.
Animation UK, in partnership with the BFI, organisations representing the UK Nations and England’s regions and the Department for Business and Trade and a host of leading companies and industry figures, has flown the flag for the UK at the MIFA. Highlights included a meeting with the team from Locksmith Animation about their upcoming release That Christmas, and an opportunity to discover more about the awaited premiere of Mojo Swoptopswith London-based animation company Blue Zoo.
Ahed of Annecy, Kate O’Connor, Executive Chair of Animation UK, said:
It’s wonderful to see the UK animation industry out in force at this event as the sector continues to flourish after a challenging period. We come to Annecy, not only on the back of another year of incredible British creative mastery, but also in the wake of the introduction of uplifted tax credits and other enticing financial incentives. These have been a shot in the arm for the UK industry and are revolutionising the way we devise, format and distribute our content. We can’t wait to talk to the international community about the incredible financial and creative benefits of collaborating with the UK animation sector.
The UK industry benefits from an uplift in tax credit to 39% of qualifying expenditure for eligible animation and children’s TV programmes and features, with no limit on the tax relief that can be claimed. This development, launched this year as part of a new credit expenditure model, translates to a net 29.25% tax rebate, fuelling further growth in the industry. It has also benefitted substantially from the introduction of a 53% expenditure credit – equating to a net tax relief of approximately 40%– for UK film productions with a budget up to £15 million, as announced in the Spring Budget.
Meanwhile, the UK animation sector continues to enjoy great critical on the global stage, as 15 films from UK production companies, directors and universities competed in the official competition at Annecy.