The Animation Lab & Pitch brings together selected producers with animation projects from Asia and Europe, offering an insight into the animation markets, financing, and co-production possibilities in both continents.
Amongst the candidates, a number of 8—10 animation projects (4—5 each from Asia-Pacific* countries/regions and Europe*) will be selected by the jury. Preference will be given to animation for youth, families, and adults. Accepted formats include feature-length animated films, as well as TV formats (series or mini-series) and short films in development or financing stage. Preference will be given to projects with great creative potential, exciting visuals, interest and potential for co-production, and potential for travel across borders and continents. The programme is not open to pre-school content.
The application must be submitted by the producer who holds the majority rights. Incomplete submissions will not be evaluated. The deadline is August 20, 2024 and there is no submission/ participation fee.
Read the call online and discover how to submit your project.
An intensive online prep session in autumn segueing to a second onsite lab, an open pitch, and further onsite activities with renowned industry decision-makers in December, the aim of the training is to prepare the participants for the market launch and pitch of their projects. Onsite events will take place at the Asia TV Forum & Market (ATF) in Singapore on December 3—6, 2024.
The ATF x TTB Animation Lab & Pitch 2024 is organised by ATF, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund, and EAVE, and supported by Creative Europe — a MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union.
Backed by sponsors Film Development Council of Philippines (FDCP) and Visual Industry Promotion Organisation (VIPO), this program is organised in partnership with the CEE Animation Workshop and the Southeast Asian Audio-Visual Association (SAAVA).