The 3D-CGI-animated superhero aspirational action-comedy series Miraculous™ – Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir is everyone’s superhero story. Created by Thomas Astruc and Jeremy Zag in 2015, the series led to the creation of an internal empire around the two main heroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir, over ten years so that Mediawan and Zag announced the birth of a joint venture dedicated to the future of the franchise, the Miraculous Corp.
Ranked by IMDB amongst the Top 10 Best Animated Shows in the last 20 years, season five of the series is available in over 120 countries across the globe and the highly anticipated superhero blockbuster Miraculous: Ladybug and Cat Noir, The Movie launched in July 2023.
With a core audience of 52% girls and 48% boys ages 6-12, and a massive fan base of young adult “Miraculers,” (ages 15-25), Miraculous has become a digital planetary craze with over 38 billion views on YouTube (authorized and user-generated content); over 250 million downloads of the official app; and over 720 million+ plays on Roblox. Over 740 million products have been sold and retail sales have surpassed US$1.5B worldwide to date. Miraculous is the winner of 40 awards including Best Animated Series in the Kids Programming category at the 2023 Kidscreen Awards.
Miraculous has expanded now its digital footprint with the launch of dedicated YouTube channels in Arabic and Turkish. These channels offer localized content, making the show more accessible to a wider audience. The digital strategy has been instrumental in reaching younger viewers and engaging with them on platforms they frequent. The Miraculous Arabic channel, launched in 2021, counts more than 1.8 million subscribers and more than 1 billion views in three years; and the Miraculous Turkish channel, launched in 2022, has 256K subscribers, and over 168 million views, with more than 60 million views this year to date.
Carlotta Caracciolo, Vice President, Licensing & Retail MEA, Turkey, Greece & India, at Miraculous Corp, declared:
The future looks bright for the Miraculous brand in the Middle East, Africa, Turkey and India. With continued strategic partnerships, exciting events, and a robust product lineup, Miraculous is set to become an enduring favorite in the region. The brand’s commitment to delivering quality entertainment and relatable content ensures that it will continue to capture the hearts of fans across the Middle East for years to come.
The Miraculous TV series features everyday teens Marinette and Adrien whose magical powers transform them into superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir, ready to defend their city against evil villains.
Kids and their families relate to the relationship dynamics, secret identities, and intriguing villains, and the diverse cast of characters that keep them guessing and anxiously wanting more. The characters are engaging, likeable, and admirable, but most importantly relatable, as family and friendships are always an important part of the storylines. Miraculous inspires kids to discover themselves through the stories and to recognize the hero in themselves.