The new 26×6 preschool animated series Ellie the Ellie has been acquired by three major European public broadcasters: NPO Zappelin (Netherlands), VRT Ketnet (Belgium), and SVT Barn (Sweden). This marks a significant milestone for the series as it gears up for international distribution.
Ellen Langendam, creator and producer of Ellie the Ellie expressed her excitement about the upcoming
We are thrilled to see the positive response from leading public broadcasters […]. Our goal has always been to create a heartwarming series that not only entertains but also promotes important values such as inclusion and friendship. The international interest confirms that these themes resonate across borders, and we look forward to building even more partnerships to bring Ellie to children around the world.
Produced in both the Netherlands and Belgium, Ellie the Ellie is a vibrant, character-driven series aimed at preschool audiences. Each episode follows Ellie, a compassionate elephant who helps her friends navigate social challenges by coming up with creative solutions to ensure no one is left out.
The show’s core themes of inclusivity, equality, and fairness are presented in a way that is engaging and accessible to young children, reinforced by lively music, sing-along songs, and a warm, relatable voice-over.
The acquisition by leading broadcasters in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Sweden highlights the series’ strong international potential. The production team is actively pursuing further distribution partnerships.