The CG-animated feature film Rebellious (90’), co-produced by Magic Frame Animation and Creation Entertainment Media, debuted on selected cinemas in the UK and Ireland with Dazzler Media. The Plot Pictures will distribute the film to other global territories.
Mina is a young princess with a rebel spirit, who plans to defy her father and break tradition by choosing her own husband. She plans to marry Ronan, a kind hearted local man, but hardly the hero figure her father would want. Before they can marry, an evil sorcerer sends a dragon to kidnap Mina and keep her imprisoned for himself. Desperate to get his daughter back, the king declares that whoever rescues Mina will win her hand in marriage. Enticed by the keys to the kingdom, three suitors step forward. Now faced with losing his true love, Ronan, who has never seen battle, sets out on a perilous quest to rescue the princess. Venturing into mystical forests and dangerous dungeons, facing giants, dragons and other mysterious creatures, Mina and Ronan vow to find their way back to each other.
With dazzling visuals, loveable characters and hilarious dialogue, all set to an uplifting new music soundtrack, Rebellious, directed by Alex Tsitsilin and produced by Shapiro and Sefi Carmel, tells an inspiring story of love and courage for all ages.
SphereTrax announce the release of Hear My Voice the lead single from the soundtrack to the animated film. The single will be released on October 25, with the full soundtrack following a week later, on November 1st.
Written by award-winning composer Sefi Carmel, with vocals from the Grammy nominated Krystal Oliver, the single is a triumphant tale of female empowerment. Hear My Voice is Mina’s closing rally cry of independence and the importance of having the courage of your own convictions.
In line with the film’s over-arching themes SphereTrax are proud to be supporting Action For Children with royalties from the release.
The song also features an impressive wider ensemble including Richard Harwood, lead cellist for the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, violin maestro Roberto Manes and additional vocals from the London Concert Choir’s Hannah Pedley.
The release marks a major step forward for SphereTrax as they continue to expand their offer to artists beyond sync and into full label and publishing services. Hear My Voice will receive a fully serviced digital release, in line with the film’s global cinematic roll out, and will be available in Dolby Atmos in line with SphereTrax’s commitment to immersive audio.