The new animated series Dino Ranch: Island Explorers (52 x 11 mins), a spin-off of its hit preschool animated series Dino Ranch, is created by Matt Fernandes (of Industrial Brothers) and produced by Industrial Brothers and Boat Rocker.
Boat Rocker manages global franchise development, including content distribution and consumer products. Animation services for the spin-off series will be provided by Jam Filled Entertainment.
Dino Ranch: Island Explorers sees the Cassidy Clan getting ready for the adventure of a lifetime, filled with humour, peril, and fun. It’s time to trade their cowboy hats for explorer hats and head to the mysterious and exotic Dino Island. Uncle Jack Cassidy lives on the island which is teeming with brand new dinosaur species, humongous insects and prehistoric amphibians. Join Jon, Min, Miguel and their trusty dinos, as they explore the Island’s dino filled jungle, active volcano, and the previously undiscovered world under the water.
Jon Rutherford, President, Global Rights, Franchise, and Content Strategy at Boat Rocker Studios:
We’re thrilled to be producing Dino Ranch: Island Explorers, a premium animated preschool spin-off series that builds off the global success of Dino Ranch, continues our valued relationship with CBC/Radio-Canada in Canada, and adds a wonderful new partner for EMEA in Warner Bros. Discovery. As a key franchise for Boat Rocker we’re focused on continued worldwide expansion for the Dino Ranch brand across content sales, consumer products and digital.
This greenlight is part of Boat Rocker’s content first strategy which sees the company focused on making targeted investments in the sourcing, production, and distribution of premium scripted, unscripted, and kids & family projects.
Marie McCann, Senior Director, Children’s Content at CBC Kids, adds:
Working with our partners at Boat Rocker, we look forward to sharing the Cassidy Clan’s new adventure with kids and families across Canada, as they explore life outside of the ranch. We know kids have dino-sized imaginations and will be totally inspired by the jaw-dropping underwater world created by Matt Fernandes and his amazing team.
Zia Sands, Director Content Acquisitions, Partnerships and Coproductions at Warner Bros. Discovery, Kids, EMEA, said:
Cartoonito provides a safe and trusted space for pre-schoolers and their family to engage with the characters they love, fun filled stories and a host of exciting new adventures. The spin-off series of Dino Ranch, complements the values and expectation of our preschool audience and we’re very excited to be partnering with Boat Rocker on what we are sure will be a high-end production that will entertain and delight our Cartoonito audiences.
Previous seasons of Dino Ranch are airing globally now, including on CBC, CBC Gem, CBC Kids YouTube, ICI TÉLÉ, ICI TOU.TV and in Canada. The series has seen international sales in more than 170 countries and 15 languages worldwide, including the U.S (Disney Junior and Disney+), Latin America (Disney Junior), UK (Tiny Pop), France (Gulli), Germany (Super RTL), Spain (Clan), and Italy (Cartoonito). The series boasts global licensing deals across a range of categories and consumer products, including publishing and apparel.