Booba – a non-dialogue animated preschool and family series produced by Kedoo’s production arm 3D Sparrow – targets two-to-eight year old kids and their families and teaches kids empathy and resilience through fun and joyful and entertaining situations.
Brand new Season Five of Booba, now available for TV distribution, comprises 26 x 7-minute episodes of stories encouraging social emotional learning for kids. It further explores Booba’s characters and worlds, including alternative Boobas and new characters such as Dinosaurs from the prehistoric world and Robot from the futuristic world.
Kedoo also announces the launch of 4 x 15-minute episodes of a brand new edutainment live action series The Booba Show, helping kids develop social skills. Here – for the first time – Booba is stepping into the real world, interacting with a child host and showing children how to make friends. The series debuts on YouTube in January 2025.
Alongside Booba’s growing YouTube and digital presence, recent broadcast deals will see the series air in 2025 and beyond on ITVX in the UK, Nine Networks in Australia, Star Channel in Greece, RTL in Croatia, VOYO in CEE and CDA Premium in Poland.
Booba recently hit 20 billion views on YouTube and has 19 million subscribers. It is available on channels and networks in 45 countries around the world.
Olivier Bernard, COO and Co-Founder of Kedoo Entertainment, says:
In Booba we’ve seen how powerful YouTube can be for creating a hit global franchise and building a huge global community fan base. The series which now lives on multiple platforms – broadcast, digital, retail and experiential – around the world. Despite challenging times for the industry, we are committed to Booba’s ongoing growth and success and can attest to the series’ popularity with huge engagement figures.